my goal for these three weeks in paris was to take a lot of pics. i don't think i took enough, but i definitely got a few good ones that i really like. i did a shoot with a girl from ford models the other day that i'm really excited about, and i'll post as soon as i get a chance to edit. during this trip i made pancakes almost daily and became really amazing at it, i read mindy kaling(kelly kapoor from the office)'s new book which was really great and made me laugh alone (which i never do and hate doing), i dj'd a lot with jeremie, we ate a lot of clementines, drank a lot of coffee, and watched a lot of movies. quality vacation. i am well rested. now i'm back in new york and it's great to be back. i'm heading to vegas tomorrow for vogue, then back here and starting classes and work next week! and fashion month is beginning… eek! i am actually really excited.
last week i met up with jeremy, who i work with at vogue (and who taught me everything there!) since he was in paris for holidays. we wandered through saint germain and along the seine all the way to concorde and had a great time. he just bought a canon 7D and a 50mm lens, which makes me want to pull out my 50mm more often now… the boots i'm wearing are from heimstone, a little boutique in saint germain, and i've been wearing them almost daily since i got them. the cool thing is that the outer "collar" sort of thing is removable, so i can wear them just as sleek plain boots too.
photos by jeremy allen
APC jacket, American Apparel tee, Heimstone boots, Zara bag, Scarf from street vendor
It's been a while since i've taken photos so here's one i found of me while i was paging through old baby books with my sister on christmas. I always did have some great hairstyles if you ask me. Anyway, it was great to be back in Wisconsin for the holidays and then New York for a few days. Now I'm in Paris again till late January. So far I've been djing with Jeremie almost every night which has been great, but other than that I've got no real commitments while I'm here so I plan on taking a lot more pics and videos! x